[ SB 21.17 ] 500,000 Fortinet VPN accounts leaked on Ransomware-Forum

[ SB 21.16 ] ProxyToken Exchange Vuln (CVE-2021-33766)

[ SB 21.15 ] Multiple Confluence Vulns allow RCE (CVE-2021-26085)

Certified Ethical Stresstester: DDoS-Stresstest-Plattform für Infrastruktur-Pentesting und Security-Assessments

[ SB 21.14 ] ProxyShell Exchange - RCE ( CVE-2021-34473 CVE-2021-34523 CVE-2021-31207 )

Street prices for DDoS-Attacks

Juicy Open Ports for Recon and Pentests

Whitepaper: Ransomware Operations erklärt

Fancy Lazarus DDoS-Erpressergang in DACH-Region gesichtet

[ SB 21.12 ] Supply-Chain-Attack against Kaseya and MSP

Ransomware Operations Part 1 - Intro

Ransomware Operations Part 2 - Vorgehen und Verfahren

Ransomware Operations Part 3 - Protection

Ransomware Operations Part 4 - Addendum Referenzen

DDoS-Stresstest Mk 5 released

Cobaltstrike-Beacons analyzed

[ SB 21.11 ] 21 Exim-vulns discovered by Qualys

[ SB 21.10 ] Out-of-Cycle Advisory: Pulse Connect Secure RCE Vulnerability (CVE-2021-22893)

Analysing the DDOS-Threat-Landscape, Part 2: DDoS-Size over Time (Botnet, Volume, Max-Values)

Scanning for Exchange - Exploitation/Webshells (CVE-2021-26855 ProxyLogon)

[ SB 21.07 ] Emergency-Patches for MS Exchange / HAFNIUM targeting Exchange Servers with 0-day exploits ( CVE-2021-26855 )

[ SB 21.09 ] Microsoft DNS-Server RCE (CVE-2021-26897)

[ SB 21.08 ] Big-IP Loadbalancer RCE and DoS with POC released (CVE-2021-22986)

Centreo - another Supply-Chain-Attack

[ SB 21.06 ] SaltStack RCE and multiple Vulns (CVE-2021-25282, CVE-2021-25281, CVE-2021-3197)