NAXSI is a WebApplicationFirewall (WAF) - Module for Nginx and works very well in its current state. This Howto tries to explain how to understand and write Naxsi-Signatures and give explain some Use-Cases on How to use Naxsi. Please always check the latest Naxsi-documentation.
If you are new to Naxsi please read the Naxsi-Wiki first to understand how and why this WAF works.
Beside this, we maintain and develop a set of tools (Doxi-Tools) for WAF-administration, ruleset-updates and an extended and updated Ruleset (Doxi-Rules, based upon Emerging Threats Snort-Signatures.
About the wording
- when using the word SIG we refer to a naxsi-rule/detecting signature
- when using the word SID we refer to a rule/signature-ID
- when we talk about a RULESET we refer to a file with a list of SIGs
- when using the word EVENT we refer to a request that creates a hit on one or more SIGs
Rules - Writing Naxsi - Sigs - Howto
- MainRule -> define a detection-pattern and scores
- BasicRule -> define whitelists for MainRules
- CheckRule -> define actions, when a score is met
# detection-sig
MainRule "msg:this is a message" "str:searchstring" "mz:URL|BODY|ARGS" "s:$XSS:8" id:12345678990;
# whitelist
BasicRule wl:1100 "mz:$URL:/some/url|URL";
# CheckRule
CheckRule "$SQL >= 8" BLOCK;
CheckRule - defining action on Scores
Basics on creating Naxsi-Signatures
- Designators and its values MUST be wrapped in quotionmarks "dsg:[pattern]", except for id
MainRules should be stored in separate files that could be included into nginx-configuration at html/server-level, like the following:
include /etc/nginx/rules/naxsi_core.rules;
include /etc/nginx/rules/web_server.rules;
MainRule "msg:this is a message" "str:searchstring" "mz:URL|BODY" "s:$XSS:8" id:12345;
| | | | | +-> UNIQE ID
| | | | |
| | | | +-> SCORE
| | | |
| | | +-> MZ
| | |
| | +-> SearchString/RegEx
| |
+-> RuleDesignator
must be MainRule; the MainRule - Identifier is used to mark detection-rules, in opposite to BasicRules, who are usually used to whitelist certain MainRules.
Designator: MUST be MainRule
Message ( msg:)
- the mesaage is some string/words that explains shortly on what bthe rule dow/should detect; this is mostly used for analyzing and to have some human-understandeable text; think of dns for translating hostnames to ips, the msg: translates a rules-id to a text
SearchString (str:|rx:)
- define a searchstring with "str:searchstr" or regex-pattern with "rx:reg.+ex"
- Naxsi does case insensitive matching on strings if your string is lowercase!
string match is way faster than regex
in case you want to use heavy pcre-statements (see
reply by bui:
Please don't do this !
I written naxsi exactly in order not to have to do this.
I don't want to have complex/evolved rules/patterns, but rather focus
on primitives used by attacks.
MatchingZones (mz:)
MatchingZones define the area of a request your search-pattern will apply. Valid MZs are
- URL -> full URI (server-path of a request)
- ARGS -> Request-Arguments (all the stuffe behind ? in a GET-Request
- BODY -> Request-Data from a POST-Request (http_client_body)
- $HEADERS_VAR:[value] -> any HTTP-HEADERS-var that is available, eg
- $HEADERS_VAR:User-Agent
- $HEADERS_VAR:Content-Type
- $HEADERS_VAR:Connection
- $HEADERS_VAR:Accept-Encoding
- FILE_EXT: Filename (in a multipart POST containing a file)
Scores (s:)
Scores define some kind of attack-categories. Each rule has on or more scores defined, and whenever one event is generated, the score is increased by the dfined values. Scores are the evaluated later by the CheckRule - directive.
You are not limited to the Score-Preset ($AQL, §RFI, $TRAVERSAL, $XSS, $EVADE)
A special score-value is DROP
Signature IDs (id:)
creating a sig for POST:
- include BODY in MZ for searching the body of the POST - request
- include mz:$URL/hallo/test|BODY for a sig on a post to a certain URL,
MainRule "msg:detection Submit=Run in POST" "str:Submit=Run" "mz:$URL:/script|$BODY_VAR:Submit" \
"s:$ATTACK" id: 1230001;
creating a sig for matching access on a certain URL:
- include URL in MZ for searching an URL for what is given in str:|rx
MainRule "msg:detection URL-Access" "str:/hidden.html" "mz:URL" \
"s:$ATTACK" id: 1230002;
detecting a string in a named ARGS - Var
# detect jjoplmh in var:cms ->
MainRule "str:jjoplmh" "msg:Possible Wordpress-Plugin-Backdoor detected" "mz:ARGS|$ARGS_VAR:cms" "s:$UWA:8" id:42000347 ;
create a sig for a certain ARGS_VAR
- e.g. create a generic signature for joomla-exploit-scanners that use a lot of exploits with requests like ?option=com_*
- include ARGS in MZ for searching the arguments of a request (GET)
- include mz:$ARGS_VAR:option into the matching-zone to define the argument you want to test against "str:com_" "mz:$ARGS_VAR:option|ARGS"
whitelisting based on ips
put this BEFORE the location / { .. } - blocks!
the simple way
# Disable naxsi if client ip is
if ($remote_addr = "") {
set $naxsi_flag_enable 0;
- based on the geoip-module, from senginx
# geo must be in http { ... }
# whitelist
geo $naxsi_wl {
default 0; 1;
# must be in server { ... }
# Disable naxsi if ip is in whitelist
if ($naxsi_wl) {
set $naxsi_flag_enable 0;
BasicRule - WhiteListing
ATTENCIONE!!! Whitelisting should always be done via BasicRule, thus MUST be included in location {} - context!
you CANNOT Whitelist via MainRule.
you CANNOT Whitelist outside a Location {}
generic whitelist for a certain Sigs
BasicRule wl:1234; # generic whitelist for rule 1234 for all requests
generic whitelist on a certain URL
BasicRule wl:1100 "mz:$URL:/some/url|URL";
whitelisting a certain rule on cookies
# some cookies are FUBAR ... %% in a cookie FTW!
BasicRule wl:1315 "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:cookie";
whitelisting a certain rule for some FORM_Fields in POST-Body
# because typo3, yikes
BasicRule wl:1000 "mz:$BODY_VAR_X:formselect|NAME";
whitelisting some POST-BODY - stuff, limited to certain URLS
BasicRule wl:15 "mz:$URL:/kibana-int/dashboard/|BODY" ;
Internal Rules
(as of v 0.53)
- 1 - "weird request" : This a generic exception used for improperly formatted requests.
- 2 - "big request" : Request is too big and has been buffered to disk by nginx.
- 10 - "uncommon hex encoding" : Encoding suggests this might be an escape attempt.
- 11 - "uncommon content-type" : Content-type of BODY is unknown / cannot be parsed.
- 12 - "uncommon URL" : URL is malformed
- 13 - "uncommon post format" : malformed boundary or content-disposition
- 14 - "uncommon post boundary" : BODY boundary line is malformed, or boundary breaks RFC
- 15 - "empty body" : POST with empty BODY (>= 0.53-1 - was merged with id:11 before)
Naxsi ships with a basic core-rule-set that protects against common attacks:
- SQL-Injections (1000-1099)
- Obvious RemoteFileInclusions (1100-1199)
- Directory Traversal (1200-1299)
- Cross Site Scripting (1300-1399)
- Basic Evading tricks (1400-1500)
- File uploads (1500-1600)
Those Core-Rules should always be loaded
Extended RuleSets: Doxi-Rules
when configured with LearningMode; (see basicsetup for details), naxsi will log detected attacks, buit dont block any action. This is very usefull for new Apps or staging/testing-Environments for automated whitelist-generating.
Learning-Mode enables you to deploy a naxsi-setup and learn from the detected events without actually blocking any requests and is very usefull for new WebApps.
Naxsi - UseCases
Integrating automated Whitelisting into deployment-cycles
- tbd
centralized Naxsi-Event-Analysis: Logstash + ElasticSearch + Kibana
- tbd
Learning-Mode with DROP detected and known attacks
It might be the case, you have a new setup and want to use learning-mode, while dropping known an detected attacks.
You can configure
Fail2Ban - Integration
# jail.conf
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = naxsi
logpath = /var/log/nginx/error.log
maxretry = 3
banaction = iptables-multiport-log
action = %(action_mwl)s
# filter.d/naxsi.conf
before = common.conf
failregex = NAXSI_FMT: ip=<HOST>
ignoreregex = learning=1
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